The thoughts being loved is one thing, being loved in
actuality is another thing. As human beings, people constantly cluster around
you for one reason or another. For what you can give them, what you give them
or what they want (to get) from you. But one thing is sure, you only know your
true worth and how much you mean to people, the very moment you are pronounced
dead. While living in our bodies, doing reasonably well (or not) in lie, quite
a number of people will pledge “all” their allegiance to you and in turn, you
have full confidence in them, believing that they ‘gat your back’, and in your
time of distress and want, they won’t be far from you; and in the day you are
pronounced dead, they’ll be there, there to mourn you, there to console and
comfort your family, there when your family needs some solace and some sort of
The man
died, and his wife was left alone, all alone at the hospital. Having exhausting
all he could afford on his health, which led to his death, no one else was
there to redeem his debt and body at the hospital. He used to have a whole lot
of people call him, he used to call a whole lot of people too. In them he was
sure. He felt so sure, sure that in his time of tears, these people would come
running with a towel to dry his tears and a shoulder to lean on. He would give
his life up for these people; he would give his last, his very last up for
them, just to see them happy, and he felt rest assured that they would do same
or even more for them. But in the day he needed them the most, in his lowest
moment, he was left alone, alone with his very young wife and child. The people he would take a bullet for were not there to help him up. 
And now,
I hope I have learnt a lot. And now, I hope I have learnt to live every moment the
best way I can, love my family and let them share with me, their love, joy,
pain, sorrow, hope and sadness. And now, I hope I have learnt to be loyal, to
be the friend I would love to have, to be close as when I would need someone
close to me, and to cherish every single moment, especially positive moments,
letting go of negative moments.
So therefore,
when your day is over and you are about to retire, think and ponder. Ponder about
the present when you become the past. Ponder about your friends; who call you
friend and who you call friend. For at the end of it all, you are ON YOUR OWN!