The Call

Like Samuel, God calls us all. But unlike Samuel who was sleeping under the ARK OF GOD, some of us sleep (not literally though) in other places but under the ark of God.

Do it, don't just preach it

So I went to a transportation company to make an inquiry, while I was there, during the whole process because of the queue of other customers before me, I became a little exhausted and thirsty, thus I went looking for a place to buy water. I came across a vender, a woman who was selling bottled water, thence I asked for one, which she handed me but as I touched it and felt the warmth of the container, I told her I needed something cold hence I rejected it as I insisted on a chilled drink, under the hot weather. No sooner had I turned to walk away in the furtherance with my search, than I heard a voice with a perceptible concern say
"..take this one, it's cold.."
When I turned, I recognized the young man in uniform, as one of the workers with the transport company, he was part of the crew that did the menial jobs around there.
I stood still as I took an unwavering, intense gaze at this guy and his outstretched arms, with the bottle in his hands. The stare lasted 5seconds or thereabouts and I took it from him, said  'thank you'  and walked away to finish up in their administrative office. But all through that time, I was meditating, ruminating on the fact that this fellow who may have had so little, gave to a total stranger in a heartbeat, not considering himself, I mean we both were under the same scorching sun.

When I finished what I came to do, I stepped out and went looking for him. After a few minutes, I saw him coming from a distance with another bottle of water in his hand (I conjectured he had gone that distance to buy another cold bottle).
I walked up to him, made acquaintance and handed him little money, he refused it initially but I insisted and he reluctantly took it. (Now I did that because I had some  at that instant)

The essence for sharing this experience has nothing to do with what I gave. Listen, it's one thing to preach beautiful sermons or even write inspiring or motivating posts, however it is a totally different ballgame to act.
I have repeatedly, in an importunate manner, emphasized virtues, compassion, goodness, love etc. Do you know all those sermons would mean nothing if I didn't act in the manner I did today? But of course, is faith without works, not dead?. How can I believe something and not act in accordance (to create such experience)
What I did was not about the cash(which by the way was infinitesimal). It was actually a means to perpetuate the ideology of selflessness, to further potentiate the mentality of going out of your way to bring relief to another individual,which I perceived in him. Even if I had returned and said a genuine thank you to this fellow,without any cash to spare, it would've still meant a lot to this fellow and would've still made the impact I desired.
I wanted to reinforce in him consciously, that what he did, made a positive difference in an environment where there's a predominant mentality of greed & mindset to cheat and take from others.
For your information, if he at that point, had feigned ignorance to that little need I had, it could not be counted against him because he owed me no such obligation to give up his possession for my satisfaction, but he went out of his way and chose to act in genuine care.

Do not preach inspiring sermons, don't write beautiful posts, whenever the universe presents you with an opportunity, just act in absolute goodness and unwavering selfless love.
If you really comprehend the concept of 'be the change you want to see', then this is it.
We are the ones to make the world a better place, so let's start giving our all towards it.
This world is not going to mystically change. It is when a little act of love here and a little act of goodness there  coalesce, then the summation orchestrates a mighty change.
Everyday I read about the pitfalls and wrongs in people's characters, and how people harm other persons. This time I want us to also appreciate the good in humanity when we encounter it.


Awesome MD

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