Being grateful is not to be regarded ordinarily. It is beyond the physical. Gratitude is an act and an art we imbibe, cultivate, inculcate, and must be practiced constantly. Gratitude is who we should be and
who we must be. It is what we must do at all times, in our subconscious thoughts and moments, even we are most conscious. Of course as humans, we seldom give thanks nor appreciate what we have, even when we are reminded. The phrase ‘THANK YOU’ is one of the most POWERFUL phrases to use, or better still say. It lifts the spirit, it inspires and motivates, it softens the heart and brings relief, even when we do not know, even though we choose not to notice the many benefits.
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When people look at others, they wish they have what the other person has. A man who has two cars wishes to be like the other man who has five cars, who by the way, does not own any; he is just keeping them for his brother who lives outside the country. A lady is busy complaining about how small her breasts look, while the woman next door just had both of her breasts cut off, as a result of breast cancer. The short man across the street is envious of the tall man on the other side, until he sees that the tall man is walking with plastic legs. I can go on and on, but clearly, these are the issues. We constantly complain and turn our eyes away from what we have, rather than being thankful for what we have. For most of us, thank you is a luxury. Gratitude is conditional, whereas, it’s not meant to be like that.
We must be grateful to the almighty for the gift of life. Be thankful for the people around you, those who show you love (and even those who dislike you). Be thankful for the gifts (spiritual gifts) and blessings you constantly receive. Most importantly, be thankful for this very moment; be most grateful and thankful for now. For starters, thank you for reading this piece. Thank you for taking time out just for me, to read this that I have written.

You must learn to live in the moment, for the Holy Bible says you should fret not about what you will eat, drink or wear. I admonish you therefore, be grateful and thankful for what you have, no, matter how little or “insignificant” it may seem. Live a happy life and gain fulfillment in whatever good you render. Be a source of joy and happiness to others, as that is the key to your happiness. A heart filled with gratitude is a heart that is pleasing to God.

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