Active in the subconscious.

It’s no new saying that an idle mind is the devil’s workshop. My question then is, is the mind ever idle? Even while we are asleep, our minds are at work, thoughts running through. Why then do we think that the mind at some point is or will ever be idle?
I’d rather opine that our minds are always active, and at no point, idle, but the content of our thought at any and every given point in time is the only thing that matters and is evident. Our thoughts at some point, one way or another, transcends into action. Now, if (we say) our minds idle, what then are the actions performed by us? If the mind is idle, then it means we do not perform any action and if we do not or are not performing any action, it means we are unproductive, non-functional, DEAD!

                Time and again, people excuse a negative action for or as a product of an idle mind, posing that an idle mind is the devil’s workshop and therefore the devil is blamed for the bad actions of a man. Yet, we know that there is no truth in that. Whatever negative thought we engage in, whatever action we perform, whatever thing we see, is constantly stored in the ‘bank of our minds’. I stand or rather, speak to be corrected, an idle mind is a dead person’s mind. Even in our subconscious, our mind is very active. So my dear, do not believe the popular farce, an idle mind is the devil’s workshop. An evil mind, a mind occupied with evil thoughts, is the devil’s workshop and his perfect work tool.

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