Writing and Living

I am not a good writer, even though I love writing. In my quest to improve my writing skills,
I started reading books, not just any kind of book but motivational books and articles, capable of lifting up faith in my spirit. I dare say, that as a voracious and indefatigable reader, I have actually improved in my writing skills. My addiction to writing is not something I’m worried about. As a matter of fact, I am super excited about my addiction. Every day I get information on the internet, podcast, videos, books, people and through many other sources. I think and come up with some ideas, meaningful and meaningless. All the information I garner, I don’t just allow to exist in my mind, I try to pen them down. My enthusiasm to write via contemplation grows exponentially to a point where I find myself living my writing.
In my quest to find out the secret behind the unparalleled achievement of some great men and women, I got to know that what I seek for is not far-fetched. In fact, the answer to the puzzle is what I am doing right now – writing. Ever since I discovered all that writing could possibly do in my life and what it has done in the life of others, I have never thought of going a day without writing, because it influences my living significantly.
The books you read and the people you meet have the capacity to transform your life; there’s no doubt about that. The fact is undeniable and undisputable. But have you ever wondered how fast your life can be transformed from good to better, and when you engage in writing the information you get from people and the knowledge you acquire from the books you read, can be more profitable to you when you put it down in writing?
One may begin to wonder what exactly my point is, whether I’m actually insinuating that everyone become a writer. Well, I am not saying that everyone should make a living or a career out of writing. You may not necessarily make a career out of writing, but then, writing can be your carrier to greatness. It might interest you to know that most of the writers in the world today never intended to make a career out of it. They became successful basically because their writing influenced their living, and those around them. They didn’t just write to become writers but to become great achievers. It is important to note that the easiest way to remember a thing, an idea, and possibly retain it, is by writing it down. Living up to your expectation can be instigated by writing down your vision. You can easily apply what you remember, simply because you must have written it down.
Nigerians are said to have a poor reading culture, but then again, no one has said anything about their writing culture. It is not as though there’s nothing to write about, but no one sees any reason to pencil down something. Until you understand the essence of writing, you may not have any reason to improve your living. You may not have achieved much in life because you have not thought of writing down the modalities to do so. Do not get me wrong, don’t get it twisted. You may know what to do and still be unable to do it, because you don’t really know how to go about it. If you had written your plan and idea down, there’s no way you wouldn’t have accomplished it. If you write your idea, thoughts, and plans down, you are already on your way to living it out, to living up to it. You don’t need to be a writer before you write, neither is it mandatory that you make it your hobby. One thing is certain, if you can write it, you can obviously live it. Writing does not dub you a writer, but it can actually transform you into a great achiever.
I dare you today to put those ideas, information, thoughts, plans, and their likes, to writing. You may not achieve it today, but it is not an indication that it has been forgotten or that you wouldn’t just write it down. The healthy relationship you look forward to, the good job, beautiful home, your greatest dreams in life will surely come to pass, if you will write it down – a constant reminder.
Creative writing is no doubt an instigator of productive living. Knowledge is power but then, writing makes you more powerful. Get your memo pad, your diary, make a to-do list, for it is time to take flight.

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