Look into your soul, dig deep into your earth, the very substance of your being, and you will find the riches, the abundant wealth there in, lying waste,
waiting for the miners and explorers (your initiative and effort), to make maximum use of it.
Stop wallowing in the great depths of shallowness. Knowledge is the substance of this dispensation. 
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This is a new dispensation of knowledge seekers and ground breaking discoverers soaring above all else. You must try in your own little way to be a part of this unusual yet positive whole. This dispensation will not wait for you. Its consciousness is that which makes everyone understand that there is enough room, yet no one is going to be treated specially because one is still enjoying the destruction of shallowness and ancient rigidity in thoughts and action. This dispensation lives out the famous phrase ‘knowledge is power’. A reader in this dispensation is sure to walk and work with the great men who are on the earth. This new era believes that and ensures to live it out, that one shouldn’t wait for things to happen, you rather make it happen. This dispensation holds in high esteem and abide by the saying which goes thus: “doing nothing is one tool that averts violence, yet history was not made by people who do nothing”.
Today, as always, I urge you and yours, empower your minds and enrich your thoughts and opinion through constant, deliberate and active reading, learn a skill for the sake of experience, if not for anything. Be an active part in this whole, that you may not be left in the dark, alone, lost and confused. Don’t just be there, do something productive and impactful and fulfilling, regardless of how little it may seem. JUST DO IT!!!
                                                     JUST SHINE.

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