Our reflection

They say that angels don't live in hell,
this is an indubitable verity in relationships. We do know that when you stare directly & unwaveringly into the eyes of another, you most likely would see your image (a reflection of you)

Permit me to elucidate thus:
When you first met them, they were as happy as a lark, bustling with life & energy, full of excitement & fun, liberal with communication, in succinct terms they were a beautiful a soul.
Now, we know relationships aren't usually always smooth, there would be divergent views & needs (what you call misunderstandings) once in a while.
However the qualms or foibles is, when your significant other becomes perpetually unhappy, bland, reticent, sad and totally reclusive . Well before you go running seek external advice and probably cast aspersions on the other party, look inwards, scrutinize your own actions & dispositions towards them, weigh them on a scale and you might be bewildered that you'd be found wanting, that you had in actuality incited the untoward results you see.
What many are oblivious to is that their significant other is usually a mirror reflecting them. Often, in relationships, we see what we project onto the other.
Most, if not all of the problems encountered in relationships would recede automatically if each works optimally to make it work.

I recall one of the laws I learnt in physics, back in highschool which states
"the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection"
In plain terms, it says, the angle at which a light ray strikes a plane surface is the angle at which it bounces (or is thrown) off.
Oftentimes in relationships, the behavioral reflections we see in our significant other are but a consequence of the attitudinal rays we project on them.

But of course, in a relationship, if you sow the wind, you might likely reap the whirlwind.


Awesome MD.. Dr. Samuel Enyinnaya Obasi

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