
Hell (or the idea of it) is defeasible, it is not needed.
It serves no purpose in the blueprint of the universe.
To what end is existence of hell and how does it fit in with the agenda of existence?
Divinity has no need for torture, no. Not in this life or that hereafter.
Vengeance is not God's for the path of the Divine is that of blessedness. Even nature heralds the beauty and blessedness of divinity.

It is the ego (lower nature) that basks in and threatens with retribution. Ego perpetually seeks to prove a point, it desires closure in a way that harms the other.
When ego projects a supposed ideology of divinity, it projects along with it its deep-seated cravings (need to be feared and feel important).
Ego birthed the idea of hell and therein is devoid of divinity.

Awesome MD

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