One Naija

No nation desiring to prosper, develop, catch up with the rest of the world will sideline, isolate or relegate a complete segment of its population by marginalizing them and depriving them from aspiring to be a fully part of the political system on the basis of perceived grudge, and malicious contempt and other reasons.

Take for example, excluding the South South, wouldn't have afforded the Goodluck Jonathan of our time any chance or hope. Again, keeping the South West out of the political stage would have prevented Nigerians of ever knowing or having as president the phenomenal Olusegun Onasanjo of our time. Like wise, if Nigerian politics were to be done without the North West, there wouldn't have ever been any president like Former Presidents Mallam Shehu Shagari, Umaru Yar'adua and the current President Muhammadu Buhari. What about the people from the  North East? We once had a Prime Minister by name Sir. Abubakar Tafawa Balewa, (the man with the golden voice), he wouldn't have been a president especially when he was not a member of the song called majority ethnic groups if our politics at the dawn of Nigeria's independence was segregational, divisive, biased and sentimental. 

All that we have become today as far as politics is concerned was a product of biases and sentiments and greed for power, and the consequences for that is the fact that a segment of the country -the South-East is marginalized, bruised, suppressed, and hurting due to being left out in the cold by the political structure of the country. It is detrimental to the general well being of the entire nation and the earliest remedy to that problem is to make a U-turn from our old ways and embrace the South-East region and it's people. 

I strongly believe that if the northern extraction or the South Western Nigeria and it's people were treated the same way the Southeast had to endure, they would've since fought for independence of either the Arewa Republic or the Oduduwa Republic. I strongly believe that the Niger Delta Militia were forced by the prevailing circumstances of the country to struggle for liberation and independence from Nigeria which is why they challenge the legitimacy of resource control by the federal government in the past leading to the amnesty and other developmental programs that followed the same agitations. I can guarantee that the emergence of GoodLuck Jonathan as first the Vice President and subsequently the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria had contributed in neutralizing the agitations by the MEND and other freedom fighters of the Niger Delta region. I Also believe that the emergence of Olusegun Onasanjo on return to democracy in 1999 was a well calculated political move to allay fears of the Oduduwa Kindred after one of their own was denied his rightful political office as the president of Nigeria as was elected six years earlier  in June 12,1993. 

We know that at a time the North (Arewa) agitated to leave the Federal Republic of Nigeria because they perceived some injustice was done towards them after the first military coupe D'etat of 1966 which led to the dead of many prominent Nigerians from different parts of the country. I also believe that the Yoruba nation who wield dominance of the South West also at a point attempted to breakaway into a separate entity all resulting as a result of the political process not being well managed and balanced by those in power; be it military regimes or civilian administration. The cycle of agitations have been protracted due to the lack of capacity to manage diversity and also due to the fact that our unity as a nation is taken for granted. Everyone is guilty at some point and we must wake up and resolve to move into the future in unison and in the spirit of oneness and in the spirit of inclusiveness, justice and love for humanity and service to nation. 

It is a great concern that I decided to raise this issue at this time because it is time that we talk and resolve to make progress and let go the last by forgiving one another. 

The south east part of Nigeria hasn’t been given a fair chance to participate in the political affairs of this country. Their protracted agitation to secede from Nigeria is a resultant effect of prolonged deprivation and denial of the right to fully participate in the politics of the country. We can't deny this fact. 

The five other geopolitical regions had produced at least one president in the country, but the south east. Again I will like to point out the fact that there are people going round propagating a very negative campaign and propaganda against the sincerity and genuineness of the south east in their desire to have one of their own political figure to become president of Nigeria; owing to the incidence of the military coup that erupted some over 50 years of Nigeria’s history, leading to the civil war and the straining of relationship between the North and South divide, especially between the South East on one hand and the North and South West on the other. The reality of it is the fact that our nation has so many problems and keeping a segment out of the polity wouldn't solve the problem. Our losses from the experiences of the past is mutual. we all had lost so much that it is unjustifiable for any one region to be blamed for the whole problems that has bedevilled Nigeria since independence. 

The people of the South East, just like other people from other parts of the country deserve to be treated fairly and given the fair chance to not just contest elections at the national stage, but to have the honour to present one of their best for election in the coming years into the office of the President. To say they are never going to become president, or they are not capable to giving Nigeria a credible leadership needed is to be ethnocentric and bias and malicious and destructive in speech and intent. It is to deny the fact that God has made us all equal. It is to be stereotypical and overly sentimental. 

There is no gain saying that good people and indeed credible leaders are only found in one part of the country and not the other, or to say that a particular people are incapable of producing quality leadership and or holds the potential to provide for Nigeria the needed leadership. That is absurd and a total nonsense. 

Nigeria has come a long way, and the hypocrisy, that the South East is incapable of leading Nigeria, has to be put to rest. Nigeria has been through so much and especially, the crisis of leadership across region. Bad leaders exist from every part of the country. As it stands today, we have had presidents from the South South Region, the South West, Middle Belt, North East and North West for the most part of our country's independence, in both military and civilian dispensations. Only the South East is yet to have the support to lead from the centre. 

In the faith that we can’t dismiss the potential of the south east region, when it comes to leadership, I invite you to join A movement that will change the political and economic and social fortunes of our dear nation Nigeria. Join the THE SOUTHEAST FOR PRESIDENT OF NIGERIA 2023 MOVEMENT popularly known as The SE4PN2023 Movement.

The SE4PN2023 MOVEMENT will serve the purpose of creating the awareness and correcting all negative perceptions towards the people of the SOUTHEAST and especially in relation to the leadership question. 

The moverment will among other objectives work towards the reintegration of the entire nation. Nigeria is better when the unity of its people becomes the priority of everyone. Changing the narratives deployed often times by divisive individuals against the good people of the SOUTHEAST, rallying support for SOUTHEAST presidential candidate and working to see that a candidate from the SOUTHEAST emerged as the president elect by 2023 are cardinal points of interest to this movement. 

This movement will bring about a renewal of hope in a United Nigeria. It will restore the strength and greatness of our nation as the GIANT OF AFRICA as our people unite in loyalty to our flag and our motherland. If a South Eastern president is possible in Nigeria, then it is possible to have future Presidents emerged from any part of the country. The success of this movement will bring Nigerians together in unity of purpose, direction and loyalty to common good. The successes of this Movement will address hitherto problems of trust, mutual suspiciousness and ethnic biases that have prevented us from developing and making progress as a nation. 

Our people clamouring for secession and independence from Nigeria will be won over by this movement. I am excited to point out the fact that we have gain support of very influential Nigerian stakeholders across the 36 states of the Federation and we are making effort s to gather as many Nigerians as possible to support the movement for the emergence of the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria from the South Eastern part of Nigeria. 

 Millions of Nigerians from the SOUTHEAST ZONE across the country and in diaspora have since indicated interest in working with the rest of Nigerians in achieving this objectives. It is a very positive movement and if we have the support of all Nigerians, then we will all have a say in determining the outcome of the future elections in Nigeria in 2023 and beyond. 

The success of this movement is the success of all Nigerians everywhere. We believe the agitations by IPOB and other such groups across Nigeria like those in the Niger Delta region, or those in the South West region or the Arewa Youth groups that have all contributed in the threats to secession and breaking Nigeria up will all disappeared disappear naturally; thus giving way for a new Nigeria where everyone can become a president. 

Join the movement by liking the facebook page  by clicking on the link below

God bless the Federal Republic of Nigeria 
God bless the Southeastern region of Nigeria. 
God bless you too. 
 #SE4PN_Movement #Inclusiveness #UnitedNigeria

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