Marriage is a sacred agreement and union.  Marriage is a sacrament and according to Catholic doctrine,  a sacrament is an outward and visible sign of inward and invisible grace. Having stated that,  I'll like to say that of course,  this blog is an expression of my perspective and feeling of and towards certain issues that appeal to me or I choose to discuss. 
Opinions and opposing views are welcome; if it be modest and not insulting.
Marriage is designed by God for the purpose of unconditional love(ing), reproduction; the basics.  He designed it to be enjoyed by a man and his woman. (same sex marriage is a story for another day). So,  if I'm married to you, according to a version of the Bible,  I am your help meet.  As a married couple,  we are companions;  we don't just have a relationship but we have companionship.  The word companion means :
A friend or acquaintance you associate yourself with. This definition of the word companion best describes my perception of what marriage is all about. 
Now this is part of the reason why marriage :
1. Should not be a coerced action
2. Should not be some sort of appeasement
3. Should not be out of frustration
4. Should not come as a result of intimidation
5. Should be a product of true understanding and long term awareness of tolerance.
6. Should be a germinating plant from the seed of love and true friendship; planted and nurtured into maturity by a man and his woman,  with common goal and understanding....  Amongst many others.
Yet again,  people say I no longer love you.  The question is : did you ever love that one?  I think I live you is clearly  different from I really love you.  I like you is clearly different from I love you and I see you in my future. 
Please my dear,  regard marriage for what it is: a sacred commitment and agreement,  a sacrament of God's graciousness and goodness.
Let us drop it here for today...  While you drop your comments

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