Two is better than one in matters of effort, energy and possibilities. Many matters in life can be addressed and tackled more easily and faster if many people come together to deal with them. It is called cooperation, it is called working as a group or as a team.
When two or more people come together and agree on a matter, it is very likely they will accomplish the ambition faster and better than just an individual dealing with it.

As mankind we are designed naturally to cooperate and work together. We are not really independent in life, decisions and survival. We are designed to need one another and depend on one another. No single individual in life has the power to succeed alone without help or support from others. Hence our social order of living is in family and community groups.
As important as it is to work with one another to achieve results and address challenges, it's possible to work and agree with some kind of people that can actually limit, stagnate, frustrate or even destroy your purpose and effort in life.
Working with people is not as important as working with the right people. Living with people is not as important as living with the right kind of people.
Friendships and relationships can derail and distract if it's with the wrong persons. Even a marriage can become a nightmare if it's with the wrong person, thus, beyond collaboration and cooperation, your choice of persons or group must be such that would yield positive results.
The basis on which people chose to work and do things in common is called agreement. You can't do anything with anyone you disagree with. Your desire, interests and ambition to a large extent must be similar for there to be an agreement.
An agreement by definition is harmony or accordance in opinion or feeling. There has to be harmony, there has to be an accord with anyone or others before you can do things in common. For cooperation or collaboration to take place, there has to be an agreement in opinions or feelings.
In friendships, relationships, businesses, careers, organisations, societies, governance and even international relations, agreements are usually in place in opinions and feelings for any progress to be made.
When the opinion or feelings begin to change, dis-agreement sets in.
As said earlier, cooperating or collaborating with people can bring negative consequences if the foundation or purpose of your agreement is negative or counter-productive. Agreements can be dangerous if the motive and objectives are negative or destructive.
The opinions and feelings that birth agreements determines the power and potency of the agreement in yielding good or destructive results.
Not all agreements are good for you. Many times you know harmonizing with another person or group of persons can be counterproductive or dangerous but you do it anyway; not minding the consequences for the following reasons:

   It's convenient for you to agree
   It feels fair even if it's morally wrong, like cheating on a spouse that is cheating on you.
   The opinion or suggestion is coming from someone you respect or love; could be parents, relatives, kith and kin, your employer or boss or a spiritual leader.
   When you have something to gain, even if it's not right or unfair, you agree because of personal gain.
   If It aligns with your desire or personal life philosophy
   If it supports your weakness and helps pacify your guilty conscience especially in habitual matters of sexual absurdity and shameful traits.
The power of agreement lies in its ability to reinforce what you think, what you believe, how you behave, how you act, how you react and how you judge in matters of life.
Who and what you agree with can empower and aggravate your fears, doubts, insecurity, anxiety, worry, guilt, unworthiness., exasperation and frequency of failure in life.
Who and what you agree with can reinforce, empower and strengthen your faith, courage, passion, resilience, commitment, determination.

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