Tasting Deprecation

The other day in church, the preacher was giving an interesting, breathtaking, life changing sermon, when someone's phone rang, distracting attention. Till this moment, I'm trying to figure out why I felt extremely distracted by the little ring of a phone. In fact, I took it to heart, took it personal. And i thought,
"Why is this person disturbing and distracting me?" I wondered, "didn't he see all the signs and notifications inside and outside the church, warning against leaving your your mobile phone switched on?". the dislike i had for that young man and his distraction was in fact, alarming. a thousand and one thoughts of criticism ran through my mind, gave me a cause for concern and in my heart of hearts i wondered how and why someone will leave his phone switched on and loud, knowing fully well he is in church? Three days later, while the preacher was preaching, my phone rang. i quickly got hold of the creaming and phone and silenced it. i felt so angry, unhappy and at the same time, embarrassed. i felt so bad. the guy who's phone rang the other day, looked towards my direction and once our eyes met, he smiled and the expression on his face screamed "i understand how you feel, just concentrate and do not be embarrassed, i know how you feel". when he turned away, i regretted criticizing him and a phone call that obviously wasn't his fault.
This may not be the best case scenario, but it gives a clear example of what we do everyday, consciously and unconsciously. we see people and before we even have any form of interaction with that person, we pass our own verdict on that person, with a confident break down analysis of the person's life history, whether or not we know them. Most of the time, we do this to feel good about ourselves. we do that just to make ourselves feel better than we perceive the other person to be. but we must take to heart, the fact that people have their own problems and rights to do as they please and so desire, without any third party. we must learn to understand why people act in certain ways, that may not be pleasant, according to our own rules and standard.
we must let go of our judgmental selves, even from our subconscious.

a very good day to you.

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