I'm a full-fledged NIGERIAN. no doubt about my identity. believe it or not, I will NOT trade it for anything in this world. My country is tagged "GIANT OF AFRICA". Some people attribute this name to the population of the country but for me, NAIJA (as it is popularly called) is the GIANT OF AFRICA because of its many natural and human resources. my HOME, my NAIJA is blessed. Then again, there is a but...
Not many people believe in my country. not many people believe that any thing good will come out of this my NAZARETH, but i do believe, i don't just believe, i know and i don't just stop at knowing, i take action, making sure that something good comes out of my little action and contribution of making my country great.
 I have a problem though. Most of the time, we do not practice what we preach. We do  not do as we say. We are quick to judge and criticize, meddle in other people's business, claim to have love for one another, when all we do is to make sure our brother is not as successful a s we are, dream or imagine, let alone be more successful than we are, dream or imagine. O! my NAIJA. You are great! Why do you choose to run yourself down? Even as you grow old, you are more beautiful, yet not dutiful. My NAIJA is the only place I want to have my home; my family, yet I imagine my generation, with the NAIJA I see today. What will become of my country tomorrow if my effort of today is no effort of good deeds and action.
An unconfirmed statistic shows that Nigeria has the highest number of churches, compared to the total number of churches in the WORLD! Is that not some real huge figure? In my country Nigeria, we are so religious, yet we seldom portray the teachings we teach about all the HOLY ones and their doctrines. we preach to love, regardless of the person or circumstance, yet we murder ourselves, by word of mouth and by action.
We must therefore, rise up against the evil of hate. Love beyond measure. Love like our being depends on the very act of love; for our lives actually depends on LOVE. We must not compromise brotherhood. It is the bond, and its all we've got. It only works when you believe it will, and when you work towards making work and making it work well. At this point of our existence, we must go beyond living as though we are puppets in the hands of the high and mighty. for the love of NAIJA, we must exist beyond the pettiness of regional and tribal bias, and face our indifferences head on, making the most out of it. we are better together, to bring out the best in each other.
I know, with no iota of doubt in my faith-based knowledge, that the Nigeria i live in today, will be better than it is now, as the years go by. My confidence lies in the fact that little drops of water makes an ocean. As we start working together for the common good of our great NATION, the world will join us in celebrating our hard-work and greatness. It doesn't get better than that.

Let the business to RISE ABOVE HATE #RAH begin! and watch Nigeria spin into the greatness we wish and dream of.
I love my HOME; I love NAIJA.

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