Talk About it

Often times we are scared to talk about certain issues, which most of the time are really pertinent issues. For instance, parents seldom talk to and discuss with their growing children, sexually related topics, such as masturbation, homosexuality, sexual intercourse and the likes.

True love - Maxzy

Hello hello. Today is a beautiful day and a new day for even better opportunities. While you are busy with your usual activities, I'll love for you to enjoy yourself. Music my dear, is the right way to do that. On that note, I present to you the full version of amazing Maxzy's "True love (rainbow cover".
For those of you who downloaded the snippet I put up yesterday, I'm sure you won't hesitate to download the full version. So, here you go. Click on the link below:

Music Maxzy- TRUE LOVE

True love.

When you see great talent, you must endeavor to broadcast such talent.In the same vain, I present to you the amiable, super talented, ever ready and incomparable vocalist, song writer, Mr. Fine boy, Maxzy!!!.

This young man is an amazing musician, ready to make you a strong addict to his serenading sounds. 
Doubting me? Just click on the link above and experience the full meaning of the word AMAZING!!

I will; I do

To my brothers; carry your wife to the bed when she sleeps off in the sitting room, make her feel like a baby at times. The truth is, every woman wants to be treated like a 2 years old girl at times, that's why women behave childish or silly at times. You may have an argument with your wife and the next thing is that you will see her putting her bags outside the house, it doesn't mean she is asking for a divorce, she is just being childish, she simply wants you to hold her, look her in the eyes and say "I am sorry for the argument". That's women for you. Every brother needs to study in the university of women before getting married, read books about them, learn what the Bible says about them and you will hardly have a problem with them.


In my lifetime, I have realized that humans find it quite hurtful to forgive and forget the hurt done to us by the ones we love. So,  I'll tell you a short  story.

Respect - Olowo

So as you know well, I have not come across as the regular news blogs we are all used to. I decided to take a new trend and thread my own path; something away from the regular. But hey my dearest,  today is different but if there's one thing I LOVE,  it's music. This young man who's song is on here is an amazing individual (Emini-Olowo)  with obviously great potential. Anyways, enough of the hype. Just click on the download link and get on with your downloads. It's the first if the best series.


Often times, we constantly use the phrase "what a man can do,  a woman can do better". This phrase is a massive pick up line and selling g point for even our musical artists. Some call it the battle of the SEXES.

Life speaks

A celebrity is one who a lot of people model after, imitate, believe in. These people are influential and powerful, mostly because if their trend,  personality trend and dominance in the media (electronic and print media). Therefore,  it is amazing when these people, these celebrities take advantage of their societal (and influential) status to create,  make and effect the needed change in the society.
A celebrity in Nigeria, an inspiration to multitudes, Timi Dakolo has written something for all,  which immediately connects to the reader's heart,  at an instance.
Here is what he says:

No checks, No limits

..It all started as freedom propaganda.
The lie was told so subtly that we didn’t notice.
To gain popularity, they convinced us that it was all about gender equality. Then they preached to us, saying it was a human rights and child rights agenda.
To draw the attention of women, they hid under Women Empowerment Campaigns.

Lessons learned

The U.S election has come and gone and as it is, analysis and opinions about the presidential election and the personalities involved will linger for a long while, longer than we expected. The presidential race was not for two candidates only, but two, only two candidates caught the world’s attention. As portrayed by the media, the race was figuratively a do or die affair for both candidates. Media had these two, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump on the spotlight, high up there. During campaigns, as expected, certain people; influential and popular people will endorse a candidate and encourage their “fans” to support their choice and vote for them. The media presented Hillary Clinton as the people’s choice and Donald Trump was presented as the ‘bad guy’. At the long run, after all said and done, Donald emerged as the winner. Now, it is pertinent to note that there was no record whether as implication or fact, that the election was rigged nor unfair. This automatically means that the American presidential election was free and fair.  Now this has posed a question in my head, which is: does this then mean that those popular and influential people, known as celebrities, did not actually stand with Clinton, or were their fans disloyal fans? One thing is to be learned: trust is earned after it must have been tested to be trusted. 
Still on the events around the American presidential election, acclaimed men of God, meddled into a business that does not affect their calling (in my own thoughts), a very popular acclaimed “Prophet of God” in Nigeria prophesied that Hillary Clinton will be elected president of the United States of America. Truth be told, it seemed so during the campaign period and even at the early start of the polls, but we all know how the story ended. And I ask, like others have asked too: does it mean that he heard wrongly or has he ever heard right? Whose voice did he hear, was it the voice of the media, most of the media, or was it the voice of the celebrities and their endorsement, because one thing is for sure, the Almighty God is not and will never be an author of confusion. Basic lesson to be learned from his meddling is this: MIND YOUR BUSINESS ALWAYS!
If Donald Trump could win after been tarnished by the contemporary media, then believe it or not, anything can happen.  Do have the best of the day and never forget, anything can happen, anything Is possible. Like Donald Trump, dare to win, be persistent and never let down your guard and never give in to defeat. You will excel more than you can even imagine, when you are resilient in your pursuit for success. Like Hillary Clinton, never hate on your neighbor’s victory or success. The holy book says “rejoice with those who rejoice and cry with those who mourn”.
There are a lot to be learned from the U.S’ Presidential election campaign, poll and election. Think deep into issues, open your mind to learn, do not be carried away by distractions, focus on the real stuff, the real deal. The chaff is definitely not as important as the content.                  

                                                    STAY SAFE!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         


Everyone has an urge for something greater. We all have that thing we wish we want, we wish we'd done something in another form or way, other than how we did it originally. But,

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