Talk About it

Often times we are scared to talk about certain issues, which most of the time are really pertinent issues. For instance, parents seldom talk to and discuss with their growing children, sexually related topics, such as masturbation, homosexuality, sexual intercourse and the likes.
These children end up making mistakes in their relationships' choices and decisions, sometimes, they make the same mistake, only in a different format, and they are blamed for it. But then, to solve a problem, you must and should be able to identify the root cause of that problem. If our society is full of results from wrong relationship decisions, such as divorce and its likes, it means that there was no one giving advice. if someone gave advice, it means the ears of the supposed listener was deaf to the advice.
When we talk about sex education in the family and whose responsibility it is to educate these children, all fingers point towards the mother, which of course I do not have a problem with, but then, there are problems. Problems such as; what if the woman is inexperienced when it comes to sexual issues and relationships? What if she is just too shy to discuss such issues, especially with her maturing child? What if  she has lost touch of current trends as regards such issues (which is most likely)? What if she actually made wrong decisions and as a matter of fact, has not learned from her mistake?
The man is not an exemption in such issues. I feel the man is actually the most important factor and element in relationship and sexually related issues. In my opinion, I feel the man has even more experience and a lot more to bring to the table than the woman. This is because he is a key player in all these.
I'll continue this discussion, but for now, I'll have to excuse myself. From my side, we'll say "let me run". Meanwhile, ponder on this.

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