Happy new month.

Hello there. It’s a beautiful day that the Lord has made… It’s the first of December, in the year 2016, the first day of the last month of the year. I live in Jos, Plateau state, Nigeria, and pretty much, the harmattan has set in, ushering in the feeling of Christmas, in our minds and in the air.

On this beautiful first day of December, the soft wind of the last month of the year cruises through the dry and dusty streets of the city. Most people are conscious of the chilly cold feel the month has brought along with it. Young and old, men and women are adorned with cardigans, sweaters and jackets. Some are covering their heads and faces with ear muffs, mufflers and head warmers. It is during this time of the year that children are told stories of amazing Santa Claus and how he is preparing for them, and keeping ready for the children, amazing gifts that they've wished for all through the year.
In the days ahead, the media are not left out in the yuletide noise, jingles and rants. They go on and on about the shows and programs they have in place for the little ones and the adults. It’s amazing how all we want to do during this time of the year is to be happy and just make ourselves happy, extremely happy. Then the thought that comes to my mind is this: why don’t we make as much effort to be happy every other day, as much as our effort and drive towards happiness during this period. Everyday should be a happy day for us, and not just a particular period of time in a whole year. If out of 365/366 days, you are only happy for just about 14-21 days, then you are one of the saddest people that has ever existed. Let each day you live feel your joy and happiness, living with gratitude for the things seen and not yet seen, and for the things we are hopeful for; it’s only fair to yourself and to those around.
Therefore, I urge you to think of every single day as the best day of your life, keeping hope up and alive, believing that it’s going to get better, better than it can ever or has ever been. Enjoy the rest of the days of the last month of the year.

                                                HAPPY NEW MONTH!!! CHEERS!

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