The feelings, thoughts, expressions

For everything I write, for everything I see, for all things I say, not of my accord. I dare then to say,
blame my head not my heart, when it seems all wrong. Though undeniable, I express what I think are my thoughts, you must therefore remember, that the fact you hold so dear to, are mere opinions in my sight and understanding – my own thoughts are expressed as my facts yet as mere opinions in your thought and understanding.
                I may, most likely, hold you accountable to your expressions, as you do me. A constant reminder therefore must be a consistent and continuous bell that ring in our heads; mistakes and assumptions before judgement and thoughts MUST never be ruled out at the outcome.

                On this expression therefore I stand, to remind and reiterate the point, that ZUZI’s REVERIE is an expression of random thoughts, perceptions and opinions of the publisher. The blogposts published here on is not intended to support or propagate a particular ideology or school of thought, based on biased purposes. Rather, the blogposts are published as a result of personal opinion as it concerns certain issues, and await differing and opposing opinions, as presented and argued out politely, not compelling, or suggesting to compel or dominate contrary views.

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