Sometimes, I just wonder how we think and reason. At some point in our lives, we fall or have fallen victim of deceit and deception, yet we still stick on and purposely get blinded by the illusion of truth, which are obviously, all lies.
When I see certain things, relationships and associations based and existent on lies and deception, I wonder when we will emancipate ourselves from the bondages we let ourselves into. I’ll give a clear cut scenario, which is a real life event. Why do we believe and live in so much lies and deceit and do not even flinch, despite knowing that they all lies? A young girl, or better still lady, whose fashion sense used to be perceived as quite “normal”, started working and subsequently, she began an upgrade of her wardrobe. In fact, a serious upgrade is what I’ll call that. Of course, it is applauding, but before she upgraded her wardrobe, which is where my concern lies, she didn’t have a lot of “hello” and “hi”. She didn’t have quite a number of young boys clustering round and about her. She was seen or classified as the “girl next door”. The regular girl.
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 As soon as there was an evident improvement, the number of young boys clustering and seeking her attention was on a constant increase. She started receiving anonymous calls, “Hi” and “Hello” from who I’d rather refer to as strangers. But of course, from her reactions and blushes, she is enjoying all the attention she’s getting and of course, encouraged by the popular saying, “ENJOY IT WHILE IT LASTS”. She her choice. Now, even if she knew it was all falsified, and the attention received was as a result of her “tushness”, she still decided to fall for the lies and dance to the false tune of the new guy on the block. The promises he made, she knows will not come to reality but she’d rather wallow in the river of lies than be patient for “the one who never came”. The one true guy and supposed love.
Now, don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying there shouldn’t be a major improvement in one’s fashion sense. As a matter of fact, I love stylish people. I’m also not saying love doesn’t exist. I LOVE the idea of being in love. All I’m saying is simple. Be patient enough to wait for that right girl or boy. When we’re waiting for the right thing or waiting to do the right thing, it seems too long but we must not wither in the faith of keeping it strong. Stay true therefore to yourself and SHINE YOUR EYES!!!

As always, this is my perception.

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