Its amazing how people from different places, different schools of thought, live as a unit. But then again, we've all heard this story at some point yet one thing stands out; the experiences are different.
In this new place I've come, I've just been here for a little while, and noticed quite a whole lot of things. begin with, I'm not sure why someone who is older than 30 years would reduce their age in order to participate in the National Youth Service, the NYSC. Receiving a letter of exemption makes you no less a graduate, but these individuals make it seem so.
      In no particular order, the only thing so far that lightens and brightens my mood and heart, bringing and giving me so much joy, is the beautiful landscape I behold everyday at Afikpo camp, especially in the morning. i get to see the rising sun and its setting and its so beautiful. the rain fell only yesterday since i arrived here on the 23rd of May, 2017, from morning till night (no exaggeration). I loved the fact it rained, but not the irritation that i felt by merely looking at the environment.
      Furthermore, I couldn't help but notice the rude countenance of almost everybody in the camp, ladies ranking top. Well, i feel everybody is trying to be smart and tough so no one wants to play or fall victim. That's understandable. A simple 'PLEASE' never hurts, but i think it injures the people in my camp, because they avoid using the (in)famous magic words; PLEASE, EXCUSE ME, SORRY, THANK YOU. Well, i know its easier to see the faults of others and not yours, and on that note, i declare my IMPERFECTION.
       The truth is this, I get easily irritated by attitudes and behaviors that do not conform to what i think is right and appropriate. For instance, on entering a bathroom filled with ladies taking their bath, it is only right that you close the door as soon as you enter, but of course, some people will leave the door wide open without care or concern. It is often said to tolerate the different attitudes you come across all day and time; i try as much as i can to tolerate those irritating attitudes and i honestly pray that i won't get "off", while I'm still in this camp.

Piece curled from my personal journal at the NYSC orientation camp at Afikpo, Ebonyi state Nigeria. 26th may, 2017.

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