Today is the 27th day of may, 2017 and I must say, it is the "baptism day". A day all corp members were punished in camp. Today,
I had to roll, in fact, most of us had to roll or lie down in mud, with their whites, except for the "sick ones". 😄 You could count the number of people who were sick (or pretended to be sick). I'm still trying to get my head around the lessons to be learned. But then, a little flashback: We are divided into 10 platoons and I'm a member of Platoon 9. My Platoon commander has not been seen after the day he was introduced to the platoon, about two days ago, and his assistant only re-appeared today after their introduction; I guess she only re-appeared because the camp commandant came for inspection. We were severely punished today because he was "not impressed" but as always, we blame everybody but us. He didn't care to ask or know whether or not the commanders of each platoon has been up and doing, our platoon commander and his assistant in particular. the instructors or better still, platoon commanders did NOT want to take the blame for our failure, so to impress the superior commander, they punished us (as far as I'm concerned, for their sins) and enjoyed it all the way.😒 I deduce hypocrisy as is the trend, an unfaded trend in our everyday lives.

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