If the republic of Biafra ever become a reality, if it ever comes into existence, then this beautiful land of Ebonyi would be
its food basket. As it already stands now, Ebonyi state, I stand to be corrected is the “FOOD BASKET OF THE EAST”. The land produces good things, crops and natural mineral resources. Its soil is quite fertile, but Afikpo soil is about the most fertile land in Ebonyi state. If all things were equal, the land would not seize to be in the news for good things. Unfortunately, it seldom in the news, for anything, anything at all. Quite sad if I must say. I have noticed, since my little stay here, that just like other parts of the country, very few people practice mechanized and large scale farming. I’m particular about the state because it has untapped potentials when it comes to farming.
                                  Image result for fertile farmland in nigeria ebonyi state
 The land is still green and fresh, waiting to be harnessed and put to very good and profitable use, and not to be exploited. The state government must therefore, create awareness and properly sensitize and, most importantly, promote farming, especially large scale and by all means, support willing individuals who intend venturing into large scale farming or are already farming. By this, by way of support (in my opinion), the government should work effectively through the media, the community heads, and farmers’ associations. The government should be willing and able to make the market friendly and favorable for these farmers. The involvement of the government therefore should not and must not be exploitative.
Ironically, food in this state is relatively expensive. It is in fact, expensive, considering that it produces a lot of food crops. it is pathetic that the land, its citizens are impoverished. I'll just drop my pen here. have a good read and help promote this state in good light.

God bless Nigeria.

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