State clearly

“Make your intentions known early and clearly”. These words printed boldly, as the title of an article in a newspaper, stared at me from across the room, as I sat at my corner.
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Those words were concurrent in my mind, little did I know that it was a message directed at me (fate I guess). You must always know and note that whatever you want to be done or made a standard (or rule as the case maybe) around you, you must clearly spell out from the very first instance. For starters, not everybody is like you (in character and in thought). Keeping these rules (thoughts or feelings) for later might be hurtful and unkind, but then again, it’s better late than never right? Yet, I insist, its best to make things clear, state rules and boundaries clearly, right from the onset. Stay aware. Let it be made known how you intend to run your things, to dominate and take responsibility, within your jurisdiction. 
                                                        Image result for set boundaries
Name your limits...Tune into your feelings...Be direct...Give yourself permission...Practice self-awareness...Make self-care a priority...Seek support.


  1. I believe. When you don't put boundaries people tend to take you for a trash. Nice one my friend.

  2. '' A hou$e without a fence leave$ the inhabitant$ defencele$$ ''

  3. $ometime$ people neead clear definition$ to under$tand our inten$ion$ and emotion$.i $o much believe your propo$ition. When inten$ion i$ clarified,direction i$ defined.


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