Really, who are you?

Losing your identity is bad, but not having a concrete and well defined idea of who you are is even worse. It’s good to blend and socialize but while you are at it,
be very conscious of your moral value and if anything, hold it in even higher esteem. If you lose them in the name of socialization, then you never had it and you never lived by them; a mere camouflage.

                Almost every morning at the parade ground here in AFIKPO, it is said that “AFIKPO LAND ABHORS STEALING!” When this is said, the report of a stolen item is next. Now, in line with what I’m discussing, some people mingle with extravagant people, the BIG SPENDERS, who lavish huge amount of money on frivolous things, and are not asked by their followers or supporters, how they make or made their money. Now, in pursuit of impressing specific people, some people go to extremes, just to “live up to the standard”, there by losing their values, or what they perceived deep down in them, that they stood for. In this case, did they really lose their selves or they took off their camouflage, a covering of who they really are?

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