I try to stay as distal as possible from relationship talks however.....
Most folks delve into marriage with the dating mentality. You mayn't wake up to a breakfast in bed, you mayn't come home to an aisle of red roses leading to the bedroom, with a background song by Lionel Richie serenading the atmosphere, you most likely
wont come home to a candlelit dinner (however if you experience any of these, you are blessed amongst couples). When dating, individuals wake up with thoughts of quixotic passion, but in marriage the couples wake up with an awareness/sense of duty, which awaits them each day, this is because Marriage circumnavigates around reality and responsibility, unlike in dating, marriage is devoid of that 'euphoria' and 'scintillating emotional bliss' that excites one. So to stay happy in a setting of marital bliss, it requires the efforts of both willing partners, thus marriage can be defined as "work..work..work..work".(reminiscent of a song) Most folks delve into marriage with the dating mentality. You mayn't wake up to a breakfast in bed, you mayn't come home to an aisle of red roses leading to the bedroom, with a background song by Lionel Richie serenading the atmosphere, you most likely
I tell my friends, don't marry someone you love, a thousand times, no! Marry a person who wants to be with you as much as you want them, forget their imperfections, heck! Is there any who really is that perfect? Verily none. Listen if you want someone to meet you halfway, if you desire someone to reciprocate your love/effort, if your desideration is to be happy in this short life (which is even further syncopated by marriage), then go for someone who shares mutual interest, a person who craves for you as much as you do them. Otherwise you'll be the one giving all the love care etc, without getting any compliments, that's how frustration creeps in.
A perfect relationship is not one without friction, it is one in which the partners strive to improve themselves for the mutual benefit of each other.
A perfect relationship is not one without friction, it is one in which the partners strive to improve themselves for the mutual benefit of each other.
Lest I forget, marry a person who resonates at same frequency of perception, insight & perspectives to life, as yourself. What this extrapolates is you shouldn't go for someone who has a divergent intellectual focus, a case in point is;let's say you love to talk about God, nature,belief systems, life, government and all she cares about is 'telemundo' or the 'kardashians' (I hope I messed up the name..lol) then in next to no time, your discussion would become banal & trite and you might eventually take solace elsewhere. (AND PLS guys you could see a movie with her, don't drive her nuts with only 'arsenal talks'). Trust me you don't want to be talking creationism when all her concern is if Beyonce wore a see-through dress to the Grammy's. An engaging discussion to both parties is a cardinal part of every relationship(you can thank me later)
And finally brethren, if the influx of your income is like 'nickels and dimes' when compared to her demand for legal tender, then you ought to know you're unequally yoked.
Dr. Eyinnaya Obasi
Awesome, MD.
Awesome, MD.
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