Things we do... And seldom admit.

There are many things which everyone of us do but never admit. Here are some -

  • Putting a lot of plastic bags in another plastic bag.
  • Asking questions for the sake of continuing the conversation.
  • Smiling while remembering someone.
  • Watch porn. An enormous population do not admit to watch porn. Not everyone does it but it is done by large numbers, as evident by google trends enquiries.
  • Masturbate.
  • Pick our nose. Some people eat their snot, too.
  • Start diets and end up eating chips at midnight.
  • Check out their body in the mirror.
  • Pee in the shower.
  • Embellish stories to make themselves sound cool.
  • Fart and blame it on someone else.
  • Stare at pictures of their crush.
  • Practise conversations they will probably never have, in front of a mirror.
  • Record their voice in order to hear what it sounds like to the rest of the world.
  • Snoop around in other people’s bathrooms.
  • Enjoy the pooping process.
  • Concentrate so hard on having the right amount of eye contact with the person they are talking to, that they end up not hearing half of what he/she was saying.
  • Turn their phones on to check the time, but forget to check the time Bite your nails (at least a little nibble)
  • Narrating the whole alphabet, just to know what comes before ‘P’.
  • Pretending to text someone , while you are alone in a crowded place. Just not to feel awkward.
  • Not washing hands sometimes after going to the bathroom.
  • Listening to Strangers’ conversation and giving mental opinion.
  • Talking to yourself in the mirror just to see how you look while interacting with others.
  • Laughing at a joke you didn't get because everyone around is laughing.

Excerpt from

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