Principle of DUALITY

Some think there are two Supreme Beings,  One Light and the other Darkness, who are at war in life, the One responsible for the good and the other for "the bad".
However,I say this; there's only Light, darkness has no home.
Look at the Universe; the Sun is the home of all lights, darkness occurs when light is obstructed or absent, darkness has no home.
Darkness exists only to delineate light, meaning if there was no darkness, light wouldn't be what it is, the purpose of darkness is to project light.

The Almighty Creator, the Father of all light uses the PRINCIPLE OF DUALITY IN CREATION. When he creates, he does so in contrasting pairs,this is in order to accentuate a characteristic or shade of existence.

Permit me to accentuate this with a paradigm:

-He creates the Lion and then goes ahead to create the Sheep, so that man appreciates the harmlessness of the sheep.
-He creates the venomous snake,yet goes ahead to create the dove, in order that man may appreciate what anodyne & calm means.
-He gives health yet allows all spectrum of diseases, this is so man can appreciate health and strive to conquer illness (physical reality)and this was the premiere drive towards science, technology & medicine.
-He gives happiness & joy, yet permits pain so that man can feel sympathy towards another, knowing that he too is subject to the vicissitudes of life.

He gives life, yet permits death, this is so that man can appreciate existence and make the most of his time.

It is One God, from Whom proceeds all the essence of life. God speaks, not with a literal voice but with the laws of nature & symbols in existence. He uses the 'silent voice' of creation to speak  volume to & teach us. Sadly majority are too superficial to perceive that when the wind blows or the sun rises, this is God telling us that He alone controls this universe, they are still busy chasing mysticism, signs as evidence.
Everything was purposed for a reason, to teach us, however, as humans we interpret each based on how we feel.

Awesome , MD
Dr. Samuel Enyinnaya Obasi

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