In praise of "35 Heights"

   "Lines abound
Refreshing in its wake
Terrific as it seems
Aloft dreaming in guise

My fantasies unfold
Which is U
My Aquarian Mistress
Enchanting damsel that
           Captivates my Soul"

Is an excerpt from his book. His love for the arts, as a form and medium of expression is vividly portrayed in this anthology of poems. His collection of poems is the first of its kind in Africa, unarguably so. His unequivocal intelligence birthed a collection of poem with 80 chapters – a collection of lovely poems by a single author!
35 Heights is a comprehensive embodiment of Gbenga Qassim Eyinfunjowo’s expression, with scintillating poetic contents and captivating titles such as: Birom, Ode to Achebe, Naraguta, Sex Appeal, Talk is Cheap, just to mention but a few.
Anticipate an amazing work of art; poetry at its best.

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