Maturity in Age

"Age is just a number", is an endless expression. Most of the time, we use this expression to more or less,
'defend'or 'excuse' the misbehavior, the misdemeanor of an individual who is advanced in age and is expected to act accordingly; matured. Sometimes, the way some people behave and the attitude they put up, make one wonder, why is this person acting so childish and immature? It is expected that as we grow older, as we advance in age, we should act matured, take responsibility for our actions and inactions, be responsible. Age is NOT just a number. It is an indication that we should and must act accordingly; that growing older comes with its own responsibilities. We think, speak and act as we are expected to; matured and responsible.
   When we see a forty year old man in a strip club, probably unmarried or worse still, married with children,  we do nothing regard him as a responsible man, or as one who acts nor is matured. Rather, we call him out, call him names, spite him, all for being, acting, behaving in the least expected way; irresponsible. Yet, same case scenario, we can excuse a young boy in his mid twenties when seen in a strip club. This is because we attributing that behavior and act to youthful frivolities, as a result of exuberance. I am not excusing the young man's action, but presenting a realistic and relatable case scenario. When we see a young man in his early twenties, has a job as an entrepreneur or employed in an organization, he does not stay out late, misbehaving in public as a result of excessive drinking, nor engaging in frivolities, we regard him with utmost respect, and commend him for acting and going matured and responsible, as compared to the young man in his mid-twenties, passionately involving himself and participating in frivolous and irresponsible activities.
   Compare the three personalities used as instances above, and you can relate with the point being buttressed in this article.
   We can see that the age factor is not just number because maturity comes with aging.  But then, even if we say age is a number, it is a number that is significant, one that must not be overlooked when judging the actions and behavior of an individual. As one advances in age, it is expected that the scope of knowledge as it were is commensurate with age. Life itself is in different phases, as one moves through the discourse of these phases, there usva gradual advancement in age - we can now make a logical conclusion from this article that with growth comes maturity, and with maturity comes responsibilities.
  Age is NOT just a number, maturity is NOT just a state of the mind but one's ability to grow to a stage of taking responsibilities.

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