Men Dem!

Dear Young Nigerian men

You're are going to meet lots of ladies who'd be looking at your pocket and not your prospect, they'd be more concerned with what you can give them and not where your life is going.
Do not be dismayed nor let your heart be troubled,for it is not entirely the fault of these young ladies.
This is because there's a kind of poverty amongst us here (even amongst the 'rich') within the tropics, and Nigeria is at the core of it. This poverty has evolved from material/financial poverty to mental poverty(it controls the thought process of most people and families ).
So when you see the young black 👧👩 👰 avidly seeking a man who'd serve as meal ticket instead of the more conventional relationship, you ought to understand that it's not easy waking up everyday to a future that seems forlorn, esp when family gives them the mentality that their (and in extension the family's ) passport to the good life is trapping an affluent man.
So what see at work is survival instinct.

However, despite all these, there are exceptions, I have seen couple of them. All hope is not lost

Awesome MD

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