No one else sees the world through your eyes.
Many lost their quintessence in order to gain acceptance by the majority.
Erroneously, many equated the longevity of an ideology to its verity.

Do you not know the beauty of your peculiarity..
How do you stay silent when you have a litany of voices in your head..
Why do you stay in prison, when the door is wide open..
What if that perspective you hold [and hide] is the quantum leap for humanity to the next stage of intellectual/philosophical evolution?

Have the courage to be yourself [whom you ought to be].
For if you know the right thing (which is to be yourself,that beloved creation in whom you're well pleased) and you do not do [and in effect become] it, unto you, it is counted a sin.
If your eccentricity (unique trait,skill, perception, ideology) was not needed on this planet, the Creator wouldn't have sent you here.

Awesome MD

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