To marry

The greatest fallacy taught about marriage and relationships is that God chooses partners for individuals. This, my friends, is a lie, one of the greatest religious lies.
Even the creator has not the appanage to cajole a man to turn a new leaf or change his ways, it's solely on one's volition , how much more a matter such as the union of souls.
The thing with religious folks is, when they end up with a partner they're compatible with, they say that they heeded God's voice(which in actuality was their religious leader's voice) . If however, the outcome of their choice turns out  otherwise,then they say, they made the choice 'carnally' when in reality,all the while, God was simply an Observer in the whole process. This is simply them giving interpretations to circumstances based on outcomes.
Listen, if God was in the business  of matchmaking, we could as well cast aspersions on Him when anything goes wrong in a relationship.
We should understand that we humans are eccentric (unique individuals) so we owe ourselves a responsibility to understand ourselves and personal visions,then we can go ahead to choose people who comprehend (and are comfortable with) us, also keeping some 'wiggle room' for those little nuances that come with two people being together.

The choice of settling for a marital relationship cannot be attended with duress,God believes in our ability to choose rightly n wisely,that is why the holy text said 'he who finds a wife'not 'he whom the lord gives a wife'.Marriage is God's sacred institution for bringing two people together,but the choice of whom to marry is left at your own discretion.You must ensure that all the terms n conditions are met n be able to make a strong n delibrate resolution,God cannot compromise his standard of marriage just becos you carelessly made a wrong choice.
Awesome MD

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