I've come to understand that the Creator has no preference for any particular belief system. I am under the auspices that a man's thoughts, words, actions and intentional living are superior to his creeds.
If every man says all he can, if every man is true (regardless of the temple where he worships) this world would become a more convivial place.
Many are oblivious to the principle that an individual cannot create what they don't believe in; All creation(or belief) exists at 3 levels, these are thought, words and deeds. So if a person does [and in effect creates] good, he must have believed (or thought about)it first. If,on the other hand, a man speaks nice words & goes on to do that which is harmful (evil), then be certain that his [sponsoring] thought was evil.
One of the beauties of Christ's teaching is that he demystified the sublime life into morals & practical truths. Now if, in actuality, you scrutinize the story of the good Samaritan, objectively that is, you'd realize that the 'righteous people' (the priest and levite) faltered simply because they failed to demonstrate love [goodness & mercy]. While the Samaritan ( heathen, unbeliever, sinner) went on to earn the adjective 'good' meaning his works at that moment qualified him, not whether he worshipped [or believed in] three,ten or twenty gods in Samaria.
In fact, one time He [Christ] said to the multitude "blessed are the pure in heart (where thoughts, desires, sense of purpose, will, understanding, and character reside.), for they shall see God".
He didn't say blessed are those that would follow this religion or that religion.
Let me say this, anything done out of love is pure, and thus the Samaritan(heathen) became good.
Man would attain perfection when he consistently strives towards pure selfless love.
Awesome MD
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