You are the company you keep. Take heed lest you be deceived. We are warned very often, against wolves in sheep clothing. Nigerians would warn “shine your eyes”.

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The trend on social media would read “stay woke”. Consciously or unconsciously, you are influenced by your association. In our consciousness, we might claim that certain people are not our friends, yet we are seen almost all the time with these same people, because we enjoy their company. Inconsequently, over time, these people’s characteristics starts telling on our own behavioral display. It is important that we keep a healthy cordial and social relationship with the people around us, yet we must not be carried away, thereby compromising our standpoint on discipline. If you are not a fan of frivolities, then do not give an excuse nor condone it for the sake of pity and sentiments. Such frivolities might end up being your habit and the very opposite of what you stand for. At all times, we must be aware of our association and what we permit. By way of social interaction, we excuse some things that we wouldn’t condone, ordinarily. Yet, we must take heed so that such things do not become an act we perpetually permit. Do not get carried away; wrong association leads to evil communication. What you take in constantly as information is, most likely to engender transformation or deformation, as it were. Those you hang around with and more so, those you listen to, will gradually change your mentality and perception towards life. There is power in interaction, be it positive or negative. The communicator and the receiver always share one thing in common, which is the messages. these messages are sown into the hearts as seeds. You may feel you are not prone to negative influence from that company as some will always say, “I know myself”. The truth is that seeds do not proliferate the same day. They are planted and gradually, it keeps sprouting, especially when conditions for growth are favorable. The longer it takes to grow; the more damage it causes in the aftermath.
There is no point desiring the aroma from the pot when you detest the content in it. If you do not intend joining them, what is the point hanging with or around them. “Do not be misled bad company corrupts good character” (1 Cor. 15:33). Even the scripture was able to state concisely and categorically, that the bad will always influence the good/. Good character remains recessive in the midst of bad company giving the bad the ability to dominate.
I dare say this, your character defined who you are but your company of friends reminds you of who you will become, tine is al it will take to make you join the band wagon and of course, bring you to self-realization. Your company will either make or mar you, there is no doubt about it. If you associate rightly, you will dissociate out rightly.
To be forewarned is to be forearmed. Do not be unequally yoked.

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