An Ode to my Ochie dike

May the Lord bless the woman through whom I came into this world, 

for the sufferings and sacrifices she endured for my sake.  She'd do anything just to make things right. Her knees are sore from constant praying on her knees. She is the stronghold of the family.  When the going gets tough,  she keeps going and takes all of us along, because she is tough.  She is a strong woman. 

 My strong woman.  When friends, family and acquaintances are nowhere to be found, my Ochie dike is always ready and available. My super woman.  Today,  even more than always, I celebrate my Mama. She is a friend, a mate,  a gist partner,  an advisor, a counsellor, an extraordinary being.  Of course she is imperfect,  she has her flaws,  but they make her even more beautiful, motherly and strong.
My perfect woman.

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