A bosom friend posted this morning

'Life is not for the faint hearted'

I think this is indubitably true and totally agree with him.
 If you're skeptic as to why this is true, then look around you, look at your friends, family and neighbors.
They've all got fears (you inclusive) ; fear of death, fear of failure, fear of losing loved ones, fear of hell and  the life hereafter, even fear of the unknown and anticipated judgement.

Our physical existence is rigged with a litany of fears. Know this; when you have conquered these fears, then you have transcended from just existing to actual living.
Physical existence is transient (death lends credence to this fact).
Do not get accustomed to this illusion of truth, verily I say unto you, everything you see now will varnish.
Train yourself to let go of anything you fear to lose.

Awesome MD

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