Nigerians fleeing Nigeria by a Nigerian.

The movie “After Earth” which came out in 2013 perfectly describes why Nigerians are fleeing Nigeria.
Will Smith and his son came back to an Earth that has evolved with everything trying to kill them. That’s the situation in Nigeria, everything is trying to kill the average Nigerian. Why should the average Nigerian remain?
I stay in Lagos, Nigeria. So I’ll write from that perspective and let’s call the average Nigerian Ade.

Ade wakes up in the morning around 5am, leaves for work around 5:30am. Gets into a bus going his route and is being driven by a driver who is clearly insane and with the way he looks shouldn’t have a drivers license. Ade survives the journey, gets to work and is being pressured to deliver on a meager salary which doesn't even come regularly. Ade closes for work around 5pm and won’t get home till 8/9pm because of heavy traffic. Ade endures this everyday of the year just because he has to feed, clothe and shelter.
Around Ade’s house, when rain falls neighbors dump their dirt into the drainage because the company responsible for collecting them doesn't come for them anymore thereby blocking drainage's and creating stagnant water everywhere. Mosquitoes are bred, Ade gets bitten and gets Malaria but he won’t go to the doctor because “it’s just malaria”. Ade gets wrong prescription from a local pharmacy and still has to go to work while ill because he has to provide for himself (and a family).
Ade is a young man, he’s making little money and looks good. When he goes out every weekend, because he’s using an iPhone SARS (Special Anti Robbery Squad) operatives do harass him and threaten him because he’s young and using an iPhone. Ade must cooperate with them or be wasted and forgotten like some other young people.
Ade wants to cross a one way road in his area, he must look left and right because bike riders are crazy in this part of the world.
Ade is walking around some parts of Lagos, he must be wary of who bumps into him because so many people have had parts of their body gone missing after people bumped into them.
Now imagine if with all these Ade is living in the north where Boko Haram and the Herdsmen leave hundreds of people dead and the country don’t do anything about it or Ade is living in Offa, Kwara state where scores were left dead some days back in a bank robbery and the president still had the guts to travel out on vacation.

Nigeria don’t value human lives, everything in Nigeria is trying to kill Nigerians and there’s no reason why anyone should stay if they have the means to leave. If I had the means, I’d be answering this question from Canada or Australia.

Curled from 
Author: Onochie Omolaso Kenechukwu

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