In War

For Desmond Does, with love.

In war,
Fathers bury sons
And sons bury fathers.
Bullets whiz and rip past men
Like flies in a plagued land.
Men run forward to breast death's tape
Like Olympians racing to victory.
The brave become jellies at the sound of -


I like a man who's true to his words
He's like a beautiful dick
and does its job beyond words

Lazy and uneducated Nigerian youths.

Was the Nigerian President right in referring to the youths as lazy and uneducated?

Ok. First of all, I'm not Nigerian. But I do have an opinion. If the president really feels that they will not amount to anything maybe he should watch his back. Nigerians can only take a bit more before something bad happens. I honestly don't expect his sorry tail to say anything different, after all he has employees work for months at times without pay. He allows the police and military pretty much do what they want. He leaves there country without power for weeks. He allow the fuel prices to triple in price. This piece of.**** Probably called them such a name because he is just that!! He can only call them like he sees them lolzzzz he sees himself in the mirror every day… He certainly couldn't call them something nice. Look at what he emulates daily. So sad...

Nana B Kelly.

Chains of belief

They think you're wrong because you believe differently. Don't listen to them, what do they know.
They all are like sheep, they've been herded all their lives. Every belief they now hold sacred, they were once indoctrinated into from birth without their choosing, and to this they tenaciously hold without questioning.

The truth is people are in chains, but these chains are not tangible, they're not made of silver or gold, or any metal that can be named. These chains consist of the strongest element known in the universe, it is not titanium, no, not even diamond.
They are made of concepts, ideologies and definitions.
Many a man is shackled in belief systems rigged with dogma and embellished with old wives' tales.

Awesome MD

Nigerians fleeing Nigeria by a Nigerian.

The movie “After Earth” which came out in 2013 perfectly describes why Nigerians are fleeing Nigeria.

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