2019; for the sake of the future.

I can write a book on Corruption and how tyrannical governments have used this as an ambiguous means to terrorize their people and perpetuate themselves in power, while being guilty of corruption themselves. There are a few things to understand here without ambivalence.
No doubt Corruption is a mortal enemy for young democracies. It is the biggest reason for the downfall of most empires and civilization. Corruption is the reason why this admin achieved nothing and will either be ousted or their attempt to sit tight will trigger a Revolution. When a government intrude into market efficiency in form of regulations it is an abuse of office and Power. Corrupt people will always unite amongst themselves to constitute a force and the earlier honest & patriotic people align the better for Nigeria. Those who know how the Presidency works know what corruption is. Thieves are what they are and no amount of money stolen can cripple a country if the market is free & the trajectory of productivity is unperturbed. This is why we need strong institutions but this has been weakened. You wonder why we kept hearing noise and no progressive action? Because the institutions are not independent and Govt have made itself the sole working and controlling hub of everything. There is no functional business out there without links to Govt or people of power. So the MAJOR cause of Poverty is Lack of Productivity/Fruitfulness leading to apprehension of uncertainty thus oiling the gears of the toil and desire for low hanging fruits (shortcuts). If U like pleasure without pain, earnings without work etc this is what most call corruption. You may need to read slowly for comprehension. Corruption don’t cause poverty. It is a reaction or the apprehension triggered by primal instinct against lack and poverty. It is an insurance against uncertainty. If we don’t get the critical path analysis right we can’t fix it. What made NIGERIA the poverty capital of the world was the stampeding of the most incompetent despots to Power. They militarized our institutions for their advantage. Our security forces became balkanized turning their guns against citizens to further the interest of bigots. They clamped on the market, they robbed our youth of jobs and reserved same for their wards. Through nepotism the security Chiefs were Northernized and it was justified against the provisions of the constitution as a circle of trust. This led to a break in harmony within agencies. How can a country be productive or fruitful when the people are deliberately impoverished via unsavory anti-people policies? The Non-Oil sector which served as a shock absorber for the economy was the first line of their attack. Clamping on the dollar & causing a stampede. Fighting corruption is vague and can be subject to abuse by political interests. But identifying the specifics & nipping such high-handedness before the implication hits is key. It begins with competency and meritocracy. Sentimental decisions must be jettisoned if we want Change. The Poverty you live in today was deliberately weaponized just to cement the narrative that some people stole the country dry. There is nothing like meeting empty treasury. This is a 1983 script don’t fall for the same trick that impoverished your parents. 70% of APC members today were part of 16years of PDP. Anyone who use that narrative is being mendacious and selling you a familiar cliche just to deceive you. 2019 is not about acronyms but competence. Vote for a candidate that represents the future you desire for your kids. The Police are about relapsing. They may resume belligerence if the admin that permits their impunity is restored. The police are victims of the system too and their organized crime is a reaction to mitigate uncertainties. Many don’t see what I see. We can fix this. There are options out there. This is not a game or reality TV show. Your future will depend on it. The next four years will be another test towards the becoming of Nigeria. I certainly may not be in Nigeria to fight as I used to. I would expect more leaders to rise to this. No political party will solve all our problems. No candidate will be perfect enough. What matters is the need for a change from the status quo and most importantly the awakening of the people to hold their leaders to account whether you voted them or not. This is patriotism.

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