Amaka. The beautiful soul. Amaka; Nwamaka, Chiamaka, Egoamaka, Akuamaka. Amaka, so beautiful, very good.

Amaka. Someone said you disappointed him. Amaka. Your mother christened you thus, because your coming, your arrival brought her joy. Amaka. Some people do not understand how precious your name, how deep your name is, when translated.
Amaka. I dare say, you disappoint me. Your mother calls out, but your beauty brought you deafness. Your father's face is not as bright as it used to be when he sees you, you bring him shame. The eligible men call out, but you don't look at their faces, but their purses. The little girls have been disciplined and scolded at, each time they share a smile with you; fear of "contracting" your promiscuity is what the people dread. The ladies try so hard, but none can beat your reach.
Amaka. You're amazing, yet disgusting. You're nice, yet harsh. You're beautiful, yet ugly. You were protected, now loose. You were admired, now scorned. You were a source of joy, now you are an epitome, a symbol of sadness and bitterness. You were funny, now boring. You were yearned for, now trash and forgotten.
Amaka. Whatever happened to Amaka. This Amaka. My Amaka. I am happy, but I'm sad. Happy because I remember you. Sad because the memory of you brings gloom to my thought. I see your face and I'm excited. I see your deeds and I'm embittered, even in my soul.
Amaka. The best of the worst, and the worst of the best.


  1. The best of the worst and the worst of the best.

    There should be a word for that. I will find it.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Many people don't understand Amaka, obviously. I believe someone would eventually do,and get to appreciate Amaka.

    I just pray her naivety doesn't kill her before then.

    "The future is better than the past", they say. Give Amaka a chance to learn, a an opportunity to make her own mistakes and grow. Don't just shut Amaka out.

    Nice piece.
    Hope to come around for more.


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