In recent times, there has been a lot of controversies and one of the outstanding issues apart from the obvious which is recession, is the rumored death of the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, President Muhammadu Buhari.
The President travelled to London for his annual leave and also to conduct a medical health check-up. About a week later, word had it that he is dead. Some people even said that he was carried into the airplane, others said he was looking and walking sickly into the airplane. Couple of days later, a picture of the president looking relaxed and watching television was released online, with a message declaring that he is having the best time of his leave. Even with the evidence, the picture, people believed even less that the President is alive, let alone being well, hale and hearty. Subsequently. letters and messages were sent through the presidency, assuring and reassuring Nigerians of the perfect health status of the President, amidst constant demand by Nigerians to at least, hear their President’s voice, if and since the presidency would not release a video of the president from his vacation in London.
Well, I’m not ready to write about the President’s welfare. Based on my observation from these events, it dawned on me that the bible was not wrong where it reads (not in the exact words though), “the heart of man is wicked”. I can’t help but wonder how wicked people can be. The Holy book tells us to pray for the men and our leaders, those in authority. But it’s really sad and unfortunate today, reverse is the case. Yes, we all know that the country (Nigeria) has not experienced the best days, her best days, since the President assumed office. The economic situation in the country is nothing to write home about, and his policies are not helping matters at all, but nonetheless, we must pray for our leaders. It is so unfortunate when I hear citizens of this great nation say things as disheartening as “una President don die”, and I wonder, why would or should I wish someone death, worst of all the president of a nation, my country. Truth is, even if he dies now, the problems faced by the nation will not vanish abruptly, immediately after the man’s death. Our problem would be staring right into our faces, and even worse. Therefore, the best thing we can do for our collective good is to pray for good service from our President, all the leaders. The man’s life must be preserved.
                                         Image result for sober buhari
 A post I read on social media said “how can President Buhari put us in this economic recession and turmoil and leave us and come and go and die? Please ooo! He cannot die now. We are all in this together”. The message above came across to me as a hilarious statement, I read in between the lines and realized that we need the man well and alive, to finish a tenure, count his lose(s) and glory in his victories. Therefore, my friend, after all that is said and done, we must resort to prayers. The God factor is of utmost importance to the country and its existence. It’s in fact funny how some people think. I was having small talk with someone and she was telling me how she wished President Buhari is dead. When I asked why, she said it’s so that the problem faced by the nation will vanish. This hilarious response got me thinking. I couldn’t help but wonder, is this what a lot of people thought about the President’s death. Is this what those who wish him death felt would happen? Did they think his death meant life and resuscitation of the country’s withering state, its economic state? I had to explain the possible dangers and controversies that may arise as a result of the death of a sitting head of state, and not forgetting the religious inclination of problems the country will face, knowing fully well how Nigerians are, and how we attach everything to religion.
The death of a sitting President (again) will drag the giant’s name into deeper and dirtier mud, tarnishing her image (or better still, the remnant of her past glory). We must understand therefore, that the death of the President will do us more harm than good (if there is any good at all in the death of a/the sitting President), whether or not we believe that. Like I stated earlier, we must fire up in fervent prayers, for ourselves, our leaders and for the sake of the nation’s “UNITY AND FAITH, PEACE AND PROGRESS”.
                                                Long live the President
                                                Long live the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

We must have love for others, like ourselves.

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