
Is there a difference between Re-Structuring and Good Governance?

I believe there is. The first is about how power is distributed and the second is about

Principle of DUALITY

Some think there are two Supreme Beings,  One Light and the other Darkness, who are at war in life, the One responsible for the good and the other for "the bad".
However,I say this; there's only Light, darkness has no home.
Look at the Universe; the Sun is the home of all lights, darkness occurs when light is obstructed or absent, darkness has no home.
Darkness exists only to delineate light, meaning if there was no darkness, light wouldn't be what it is, the purpose of darkness is to project light.

The Almighty Creator, the Father of all light uses the PRINCIPLE OF DUALITY IN CREATION. When he creates, he does so in contrasting pairs,this is in order to accentuate a characteristic or shade of existence.

Permit me to accentuate this with a paradigm:

-He creates the Lion and then goes ahead to create the Sheep, so that man appreciates the harmlessness of the sheep.
-He creates the venomous snake,yet goes ahead to create the dove, in order that man may appreciate what anodyne & calm means.
-He gives health yet allows all spectrum of diseases, this is so man can appreciate health and strive to conquer illness (physical reality)and this was the premiere drive towards science, technology & medicine.
-He gives happiness & joy, yet permits pain so that man can feel sympathy towards another, knowing that he too is subject to the vicissitudes of life.

He gives life, yet permits death, this is so that man can appreciate existence and make the most of his time.

It is One God, from Whom proceeds all the essence of life. God speaks, not with a literal voice but with the laws of nature & symbols in existence. He uses the 'silent voice' of creation to speak  volume to & teach us. Sadly majority are too superficial to perceive that when the wind blows or the sun rises, this is God telling us that He alone controls this universe, they are still busy chasing mysticism, signs as evidence.
Everything was purposed for a reason, to teach us, however, as humans we interpret each based on how we feel.

Awesome , MD
Dr. Samuel Enyinnaya Obasi


I'm not sure of me sure of me sometimes, almost all the time. Sometimes I want to be around people ND other times,  I want to be alone. I want to mingle with the right people,  people with a determined and focused mindset,  yet I miss my interaction with the wild,  raw and razz people,  although not as much as the focused set of people; no,  not at all.  I condemn somethings,  yet I yearn to do them. I yearn for the pleasure I enjoy in the thugs I condemn. I feel the need to change some irregularities,  but I just wanted to let it slide; it's Alot easier that way.  I preach patience,  yet I am not patient.  I've got a shot load personality but I cannot take shit from another.  I could see right through a person or situation,  how bad or good it is yet,  I let myself fall victim of an obviously bad circumstance.  I try to avoid occasions of being touched, sensitive touch,  but I am lured by my mind,  and my body falls for my touch...

Beautiful Plateau

Then I saw her in Kanke On her way back from Mikang A beauty from Mangu Bubbling spirit like Kanam. I love it in Langtang Both the South and North As well in Jos East, North and South too. Bassa bound, She said Bokkos round, I hailed Pretty and Cold like Pankshin Romantic and endowed like Riyom Qua'pang frills, Barkin-ladi treats, Shendam cruise not forgetting Wase landscape. I love it in Plateau State " Home of Peace and Tourism". A Gbenga Qassim Eyinfunjowo Expression.

Marriage; as an act, as a union

If the goal of your relationship is to culminate at the altar, before a priest in a suit or wedding gown, then at the altar it will end, because when it goes beyond the altar, the result will be 2 divergent individuals who are unequally yoked by virtue of an institution.
An ideal relationship should array you for a life ahead, not a day's ceremony at the altar or before a magistrate.

A wedding ceremony is the formal declaration of a union between a man and woman, to the public.
Marriage is the life that follows after the ceremony.
Young couples ought to understand that the ceremony is for the public and everybody else, but marriage is the exclusive reserve for the couple.
You should not get burned out, or expend all your physical, mental or financial resources, planning for just a day, while the life that follows, is left in abeyance to chance or "hope in God".
The Marriage is greater than the wedding and we know that the lesser is included in the greater.

Marriage occurs when 2 willing & able individuals pledge allegiance/commitment, one to another,  and saddle themselves with the responsibilities therein.
This is not that pledge made before the priest or magistrate, no! This one is made of one's will & accord, adjudged by his conscience.
What the majority of people fail to comprehend is; a person might seem meet to walk down the aisle with, but do they measure up to walk the crossroads of life with you, would they still be standing by your side when the unprecedented storms of life surges and burgeons against you? It's nice for one to carry you down the aisle to the altar due to the euphoria of the ceremony, but beyond that day, would they still be a shoulder to lean when you're weak or weary 

If in all sincerity, you cannot answer these questions in the affirmative, then you ought to recede and redefine your priorities as it pertains to that relationship which you know is leading somewhere.
It's more profitable to plan for a life ahead than to plan for a day's ceremony

Awesome, MD
Obasi Enyinna Samuel

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