Memoirs of a bad chick (Teaser)

She's gone so far. She's grown so fast. She's gone so wild. She used to be daddy's girl. She's no longer her father's daughter. His baby is now


- Teachers should be paid well more than any other profession,they should be treated nicely with alot of incentives due to their ardent n indefatigable strides in our education sector.Am not saying this unequivocal truth because am a teacher,but simply because i was groomed for a period of years by a loving,caring,inspiring n impactful pedagogue.
-If we dont pay our teachers we are only cheating our future leaders.

- Teachers are the fountain n orchestrators of knowledge,the fundamental precursor of success.
- Your success story is incomplete without the prowess of a teacher.
Lets appreciate our teachers......

© Mc Slim

Maturity in Age

"Age is just a number", is an endless expression. Most of the time, we use this expression to more or less,

In praise of "35 Heights"

   "Lines abound
Refreshing in its wake
Terrific as it seems
Aloft dreaming in guise

Constantly re-visiting the past

‘’The greatest threat to your future is your past’’ – Myles Munroe.
To revisit simply means to

Writing and Living

I am not a good writer, even though I love writing. In my quest to improve my writing skills,

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