Perfect Knowledge

Everybody seems to know it all.
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It baffles me how in a gathering, hands are raised for the sake of clarification, making inquiries and asking questions, and they are shut down and shouted at; murmurs in the form of response to the question is heard in the gathering. There is an igbo adage that translates directly as: “he who asks questions does not lose his way”. In my opinion, if one knows it all, there is no need hiding under the guise of ignorance or negligence of (that) knowledge. It is funny how we claim to know it all, and yet we wallow in shallowness. We claim to have wisdom, yet foolishness abounds greatly in our hearts and midst. We parade ourselves as knowledgeable people, taking pride in “magnificent” content of our thoughts and opinion, yet the outcome of our thoughts and perception is so selfish and inconsiderate.
                Yet, what makes a perception good or bad, full of wisdom or foolishness?
… what do I know?
                                                        Image result for mr too know

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