Men Dem!

Dear Young Nigerian men

You're are going to meet lots of ladies who'd be looking at your pocket and not your prospect, they'd be more concerned with what you can give them and not where your life is going.
Do not be dismayed nor let your heart be troubled,for it is not entirely the fault of these young ladies.
This is because there's a kind of poverty amongst us here (even amongst the 'rich') within the tropics, and Nigeria is at the core of it. This poverty has evolved from material/financial poverty to mental poverty(it controls the thought process of most people and families ).
So when you see the young black 👧👩 👰 avidly seeking a man who'd serve as meal ticket instead of the more conventional relationship, you ought to understand that it's not easy waking up everyday to a future that seems forlorn, esp when family gives them the mentality that their (and in extension the family's ) passport to the good life is trapping an affluent man.
So what see at work is survival instinct.

However, despite all these, there are exceptions, I have seen couple of them. All hope is not lost

Awesome MD


No one else sees the world through your eyes.
Many lost their quintessence in order to gain acceptance by the majority.
Erroneously, many equated the longevity of an ideology to its verity.

Do you not know the beauty of your peculiarity..
How do you stay silent when you have a litany of voices in your head..
Why do you stay in prison, when the door is wide open..
What if that perspective you hold [and hide] is the quantum leap for humanity to the next stage of intellectual/philosophical evolution?

Have the courage to be yourself [whom you ought to be].
For if you know the right thing (which is to be yourself,that beloved creation in whom you're well pleased) and you do not do [and in effect become] it, unto you, it is counted a sin.
If your eccentricity (unique trait,skill, perception, ideology) was not needed on this planet, the Creator wouldn't have sent you here.

Awesome MD

Thoughts; Belief

I've come to understand that the Creator has no preference for any particular belief system. I am under the auspices that a man's thoughts, words, actions and intentional living are superior to his creeds.
If every man says all he can, if every man is true (regardless of the temple where he worships) this world would become a more convivial place.

Many are oblivious to the principle that an individual cannot create what they don't believe in; All creation(or belief) exists at 3 levels, these are thought, words and deeds. So if a person does [and in effect creates] good, he must have believed (or thought about)it first. If,on the other hand,  a man speaks nice words & goes on to do that which is harmful (evil), then be certain that his [sponsoring] thought was evil.

One of the beauties of Christ's teaching is that he demystified the sublime life into morals & practical truths. Now if, in actuality, you scrutinize the story of the good Samaritan, objectively that is,  you'd realize that the 'righteous people' (the priest and levite) faltered simply because they failed to demonstrate love [goodness & mercy]. While the Samaritan ( heathen, unbeliever, sinner) went on to earn the adjective 'good' meaning his works at that moment qualified him, not whether he worshipped [or believed in] three,ten or twenty gods in Samaria.
In fact, one time He [Christ] said to the multitude "blessed are the pure in heart (where thoughts, desires, sense of purpose, will, understanding, and character reside.), for they shall see God".
He didn't say blessed are those that would follow this religion or that religion.
Let me say this,  anything done out of love is pure, and thus the Samaritan(heathen) became good.

Man would attain perfection when he consistently strives towards pure selfless love.

Awesome MD

To marry

The greatest fallacy taught about marriage and relationships is that God chooses partners for individuals. This, my friends, is a lie, one of the greatest religious lies.
Even the creator has not the appanage to cajole a man to turn a new leaf or change his ways, it's solely on one's volition , how much more a matter such as the union of souls.
The thing with religious folks is, when they end up with a partner they're compatible with, they say that they heeded God's voice(which in actuality was their religious leader's voice) . If however, the outcome of their choice turns out  otherwise,then they say, they made the choice 'carnally' when in reality,all the while, God was simply an Observer in the whole process. This is simply them giving interpretations to circumstances based on outcomes.
Listen, if God was in the business  of matchmaking, we could as well cast aspersions on Him when anything goes wrong in a relationship.
We should understand that we humans are eccentric (unique individuals) so we owe ourselves a responsibility to understand ourselves and personal visions,then we can go ahead to choose people who comprehend (and are comfortable with) us, also keeping some 'wiggle room' for those little nuances that come with two people being together.

The choice of settling for a marital relationship cannot be attended with duress,God believes in our ability to choose rightly n wisely,that is why the holy text said 'he who finds a wife'not 'he whom the lord gives a wife'.Marriage is God's sacred institution for bringing two people together,but the choice of whom to marry is left at your own discretion.You must ensure that all the terms n conditions are met n be able to make a strong n delibrate resolution,God cannot compromise his standard of marriage just becos you carelessly made a wrong choice.
Awesome MD

Personally ...

I had some hesitance as to share this, however;
I had an interaction with a young lady (a Caucasian) sometime ago, and while we exchanged pleasantries
She said "You're a fine man"
and I responded
"you're quite pretty yourself",
then she smiled and said "thanks, but it's not important".
I was confused and inquired if she meant a compliment was unnecessary, thus she went ahead to tell me that she believed  prettiness comes from inside of a person, not how they look.
These words were weighty.

Ok, ladies listen; you know, you folks could be likened to flowers. You're designed to blossom with resplendence and thus get lots of attention from the male folks, especially when you're in your bloom (or primes). The thing is don't get swept off your feet when these litanies of compliments are lavished on you, cuz that's how it ought to be. Every lady (esp the young) gets them.
The cardinal issue is not catching the immersion of all the guy folks or receiving a macedoine of compliments, no! rather it's the ability to keep the man of your choice (now this doesn't apply to some men cuz they're bums, and you're expected to run the other way when you encounter such men), this ability is litmus test of genuine beauty (that prettiness that emanates from within).

We live in a world where many a lady would go in extenso to wear a more comely/appealing visage (seek to look pretty at all or any cost), with little or no effort put into moulding the character of their persona. If a relationship fails on the part of the lady, it's usually not because of deficit in beauty (cuz if a man decides to be with you, it simply heralds that your physical beauty,which he first saw,was/is enough) rather it's consequent upon the fact that the persona(individual) beneath the physical form lacks the required traits to nurture her side of the relationship.
Do not forget, physical beauty might get the attention, however it fades (well if yours refuses to fade, a man will get used to it, and it'd not fascinate him anymore than a man who wakes up to daybreak). It is that inner prettiness that ensures his mind & attention in the long-run, is locked on you.
Let your adornment be not only with cosmetics but also with the elfin embellishments of character.

Awesome MD
Samuel Enyinnaya Obasi

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