A bosom friend posted this morning

'Life is not for the faint hearted'

I think this is indubitably true and totally agree with him.
 If you're skeptic as to why this is true, then look around you, look at your friends, family and neighbors.
They've all got fears (you inclusive) ; fear of death, fear of failure, fear of losing loved ones, fear of hell and  the life hereafter, even fear of the unknown and anticipated judgement.

Our physical existence is rigged with a litany of fears. Know this; when you have conquered these fears, then you have transcended from just existing to actual living.
Physical existence is transient (death lends credence to this fact).
Do not get accustomed to this illusion of truth, verily I say unto you, everything you see now will varnish.
Train yourself to let go of anything you fear to lose.

Awesome MD


I will meet you out in the fields,

The lamentation of the STRONG

We were at this relaxation spot, and the man next table keeps lamenting about how he has to cater for his siblings’ needs, keep up and meet up with his needs, and how his mother is crying in his ears for a grandchild from him. He is mummy’s favorite, seemingly so. At some point in his lamentation,


She calls him Daddy, but he sees her privates in the dark, without her consent nor mummy’s consent. They share kisses and hugs in public,


Little did you know, blood flows were part of it.
Feelings of the unknown starts to control the known.
This urgency to see that which is unseen,
Wilding becomes the new tame.


You know, it’s funny how people would want to blame any other person or thing for something they most probably did, says someone who blames every other person but themselves...


Hell (or the idea of it) is defeasible, it is not needed.
It serves no purpose in the blueprint of the universe.
To what end is existence of hell and how does it fit in with the agenda of existence?
Divinity has no need for torture, no. Not in this life or that hereafter.
Vengeance is not God's for the path of the Divine is that of blessedness. Even nature heralds the beauty and blessedness of divinity.

It is the ego (lower nature) that basks in and threatens with retribution. Ego perpetually seeks to prove a point, it desires closure in a way that harms the other.
When ego projects a supposed ideology of divinity, it projects along with it its deep-seated cravings (need to be feared and feel important).
Ego birthed the idea of hell and therein is devoid of divinity.

Awesome MD

All one

Life is but the breath of Godliness encapsulated in a physical form. We are all one. Beyond our creeds and dogmas we are all connected to the Only One. Beneath our doctrines and belief systems, we are all rooted in One Divine Source.

Awesome MD


The word past is synonymous to previous, former, before, initial or no longer in existence. It is always used to describe a time that has gone in respect to an action or activity that has already taken place.

The Lady, No Lover and Her Thoughts

Just the regular girl next door, nothing special nor exceptionally spectacular about her nor her growing up. As a little girl,

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