The feelings, thoughts, expressions

For everything I write, for everything I see, for all things I say, not of my accord. I dare then to say,

Ndi'Igbo; The Sequel

Biafra agitators blame Nigeria since the war instead of using their spirited entrepreneurship to build their territory. Ndi'gbo have spent fortunes building trading posts in Eko, Ojo in Lagos, Sabon Gari in Kano and sundry places in Nigeria with an indomitable spirit since after the war.

Ndi'igbo: the reply

This is a reply I got from the blog post I put up yesterday about NDI'IGBO. On this note, I must then say that I do not in anyway impose my opinion on my reader. As a matter of fact, I publish my opinion on certain issues that interest me and I welcome different opinions from my reader, whether positive or negative. 
Just read your post and found the articulation and views expressed therein interesting. However, I wish to make the following observations;

EROS; Teaser

I miss you; your total package of cuteness (when you're angry/sad, when you're smiling and blushing), your pettiness and petty lies, your caress and touch.
I miss you in my head, and yet you're far.

Ndi'igbo; One Nation. One Nigeria.

For over 5 years before March 2015, Nd'igbo dominated a government where they held key positions, but what did their people as a collective get for it? They had Secretary to the Federal Government, Aviation, Petroleum (by Marriage), Chief of Army, etc. Nobody in Nigeria, especially, the Yoruba whose votes were crucial for President Jonathan, complained. They were not regarded in the scheme of things for juicy appointments, but they did not fight or cause unrest.

Happy new month.

Hello there. It’s a beautiful day that the Lord has made… It’s the first of December, in the year 2016, the first day of the last month of the year. I live in Jos, Plateau state, Nigeria, and pretty much, the harmattan has set in, ushering in the feeling of Christmas, in our minds and in the air.

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