Living the Life

He sang, he sang heartily. Today was not as usual. Today was exceptional. Yes, people always reacted each time he picked up the microphone. People let themselves loose, and act as though they were under the influence of something greater than them (of course, it is truly greater than them; the HOLY SPIRIT), but today was to say the least, soul stirring, soul lifting, transformational, spirit-filled. As soon as his voice echoed through the loudspeakers, (not ordinary) screams filled the building.

The messenger. The message.

             A cool Saturday morning in the beautiful city, everybody seems busy doing some cleaning up. And while I was sitting at one corner, taking a rest, I noticed a lady was smiling down at her phone. Out of sheer curiosity, I took a peep and she was looking at an image,

Such humanity

At about 10:30pm, the quiet night was interrupted by the bleats of a flock of goats. They sounded distressed, a flock far from the sound of a single (probably the lost) goat. There sounds were coming from opposite directions, an indication that at least, one of them was lost and by bleating,

State clearly

“Make your intentions known early and clearly”. These words printed boldly, as the title of an article in a newspaper, stared at me from across the room, as I sat at my corner.


If the republic of Biafra ever become a reality, if it ever comes into existence, then this beautiful land of Ebonyi would be

Ebonyi state: through the eyes of a sojourner.

 I continued my duty as an examination invigilator (SS2 D) for the third term examination at Army Day secondary school, Nkwagu, Abakaliki. I am truly disappointed, to say the least, in the management of the school.

In this beauty; Ebonyi

I’ll be in Ebonyi State, Nigeria for the next 1 year (trust me to give you details of my experiences and encounters in this place), for compulsory service of my fatherland, through the NYSC scheme. I have been specifically posted to Army Day Secondary School, Abakaliki (the state capital). The state has been in existence for over 15 years, and I must confess, its development is as fast as the speed of a snail.
There are so many things wrong with this beautiful place, but as always, we are constantly enjoined to look on the brighter side of things. 
One of the things that impressed me as soon as I got to Abakaliki is the road construction going on in the state. Well and properly constructed roads. It’s a big plus to the state and her government; granting access, easy access.
I honestly hope to enjoy my stay in this state with so many unharnessed potential, but I have a big problem, and that is the high cost of living in the state, the capital to be specific. It’s a problem to me because the state is not economically (financially) oriented. Unlike its eastern counterparts, (Abia, Anambra, etc,) whose economic strength is constantly boosted by the bee-hive of business activities going on, I cannot say same for Ebonyi state. One of its popular markets at Vanco (bank road) is not as busy as the roadside market in Onitsha, yet things are quite expensive, even foods produced in the state is sold no less as it is sold in other states. Probably a little difference in price. It’s so little that it is almost insignificant, a difference.

Got to go now. I’ll write about the school I have been posted to, soon. Enjoy.

Tasty, yet tasteless.

In this beautiful land of my service year.  Subsequently, I'll write about the "SALT OF THE NATION". It's beauty and it's beast, from my own perspective as a Nigerian and as a sojourner in the land.
Have a good read.

Really, who are you?

Losing your identity is bad, but not having a concrete and well defined idea of who you are is even worse. It’s good to blend and socialize but while you are at it,

DISCIPLINE: the word of command.

If there is one thing we all want and NEED in our society, it is DISCIPLINE! As much as we can, often and on, we preach the act and inculcate such good in our society and yet I wonder, why do we have a society where indiscipline is the order of the day?
                The coordination that comes with discipline is heart thrilling. A tip of the iceberg

AT AFIKPO; the people.

My experiences in the camp at AFIKPO has really been remarkable within the shortest period of time, and I’m talking of less than a week! Having said that,


Today is the 27th day of may, 2017 and I must say, it is the "baptism day". A day all corp members were punished in camp. Today,


Its amazing how people from different places, different schools of thought, live as a unit. But then again, we've all heard this story at some point yet one thing stands out; the experiences are different.

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